Be a pup's Guardian

Apply for the Guardian Program!

The Guardian Program is a great way to bring a new pet into your family without the cost. The options are generally only available to experienced and suitable families. So what exactly does it mean to be a Guardian Family, and should you become one?

What is a Guardian?

A Guardian or Guardian Family is a person or household that agrees to keep and have joint custody of a breeder dog through a legal contract.

Ownership of the dog will only pass to the Guardian once the terms of the contract have been fulfilled.

In most cases, the Guardian becomes the dog’s new owner after it has produced a certain number of litters, or after it has passed breeding age.

A pair of puppies on a girl's lap
Dog food in a blue bowl with some food on the floor


  • Keep the dog well-trained, groomed, and in good health!
  • Allow access to the dog for breeding
    • This often includes remaining a reasonable travel distance from the breeder
    • Male breeding dogs may be away from home for a week or more at a time
    • Female dogs can be at the breeder’s home for several weeks or more
    • In both cases, the Guardian will usually have access to their pet while they are staying with the breeder*
  • Allow the dog to be bred for a certain number of litters, or for a certain period of time. Most female breeding dogs retire at around four years old, while males retire at around six years old.*

*Restrictions and limitations will be at breeder's discretion


The main benefit of becoming a Guardian is that it can reduce the cost of having a dog as a pet.

Agreeing to act as a Guardian usually means that you will not have to buy your family pet. The breeder takes care of all the medical expenses that come with breeding. Pups are health/genetic tested to ensure successful breedings.

Guardians will also be compensated per litter or stud service.

Cupcakes with dog bones on top as decoration

Want to be a Guardian?

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